This Is What Happens When You're Off-Grid

Good morning!

I hope this finds you well.

Welcome to another edition of The Matt Viera Newsletter.

The newsletter with the goal to inspire you to live the life you actually want to live.

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I’ll be honest with you: this is a short article this week.

The truth is I spent the entire weekend off-grid (I arrived home late last night).

When I say “off-grid,” I mean I had no electricity, water, or internet hook-ups.

When I’m off-grid, I usually can connect to the internet on my laptop using my cell phone as a hotspot.

But, the cell phone signal was so weak at the spot where I was camping that I could not connect to the internet.

I planned on working on and completing some personal projects, including writing an article for this newsletter.

I was unable to do any of that.

The good news is that the cell phone signal was so weak at the spot where I was camping that I could not connect to the internet.

I had no choice but to disconnect, decompress, and truly relax away from every distraction available via modern civilization.

So, I read. A lot.

And I enjoyed the quiet that comes with being in nature.

With that, one of the books I read is called The Pathless Path by Paul Millerd.

Here are three thought-provoking quotes from the book that resonated with me:

Many people dislike some parts of their jobs. But they stay in their jobs because their suffering is familiar. To change would be to trade the known for the unknown and change brings discomfort in hard to predict forms. So people avoid change and develop coping strategies.

One challenge to embracing possibility is knowing when to override what psychology professors Gilovich and Davidai call our “‘ought to’ self.” This is the voice that helps us follow through on commitments but can also keep us from making changes in our lives.

The spirit of the mini‑retirement is not about escaping work. It is about testing different circumstances to see if you want to double down on them or change directions.

That’s all I have for you this week.

I hope you had a fantastic, relaxing weekend!

What caught my attention:

You can find the collection of financial tools & resources that helped me grow from a 6-figure debt to a 6-figure net worth by clicking here.

Thanks for reading!

Please feel free to reply to this email with suggestions, questions, or comments.

I read every email.

If you have a question about personal finance, travel, or mini-retirements, email me and ask and I’ll discuss the answer in a future article.

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