The Transformative Power of an Amazing Mini-Retirement

The 7 different ways it can transform your life

Good morning!

I hope this finds you well.

Welcome to another edition of The Matt Viera Newsletter.

The newsletter with the goal to inspire you to invest in life experiences.

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Those of you who know me know I am all about the mini-retirement.

I can't stop talking about them.

I couldn't take one this past summer because of the "Big Something" my SO and I have been working towards.

Note: that "Big Something" should play out and be finalized in the next two weeks or so.

Because I was unable to take a mini-retirement this past summer, my goal is to take a two-parter mini-retirement next summer.

I'm thinking 3 - 4 weeks in Southeast Asia and 3 - 4 weeks in Europe.

Or, 6 - 8 weeks in two different regions in Europe.

There are so many dream destinations out there I want to explore.

As a gambling man, I'm willing to bet good money there are a few dream destinations you'd also love to explore.

Having said that, my goal, my "mission," if you will, is to inspire as many people as possible to invest in mini-retirement.

You may wonder about the costs, the fear of stepping outside your comfort zone, or how to even plan a mini-retirement.

I can't help you with the first two.

Those are on you.

I can help you with the third - how to plan a mini-retirement.

It's simple:

  • Pick a dream destination you would like to spend a month (or more) in.

  • Find an accommodation in that dream destination and reserve it.

  • Buy an airline ticket to that dream destination.

  • Pack a small carry-on bag or two.

  • And on the day of your flight, get on the plane and go.

  • Figure everything else out when you get there.

It really is that simple.

Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

The hardest part is deciding. Because until you decide, most people can't plan. As soon as you say, "I'm going to buy this ticket" — once you make that decision then all of a sudden it's pulled out of the realm of hopeful thinking and it goes into tactical mode.

Tim Ferriss

Make a decision and do it.

Now, I'd like to share the 7 different ways a mini-retirement can transform your life:

The Location

Mini-retirements are all about traveling to one of your dream destinations to stay in for an extended period of time.

This could be:

  • A bustling city

  • A serene coastal town

  • A quaint village in the countryside

The choice is yours.

The sky's the limit.

The Daily Routine

Unlike vacations...

A mini-retirement allows for a more relaxed daily routine.

Wake up naturally, savor a leisurely breakfast, and then:

  • Explore your destination

  • Experience the culture

  • Relax

All without a daily "down-to-the-minute" itinerary.

The Exploration

One of the core aspects of a mini-retirement is exploration.

You have the freedom to dive deeply into the local culture, history, and lifestyle.

Immersing yourself in new experiences can be incredibly enriching.

Personal Growth and Reflection

Mini-retirements provide ample time for slowing down, self-reflection, and personal growth.

Away from your daily grind, you'll find yourself:

  • Setting new goals

  • Re-evaluating priorities

  • Gaining clarity on what truly matters to you

The Flexibility and Freedom

A mini-retirement offers the freedom to structure each day according to your interests, passions, and what you want to do.

Or what you don't want to do.

This flexibility and freedom is empowering and rejuvenating.

Explore. Get lost. Live.

The Challenges and Adaptation

Living in a new environment also comes with challenges:

  • Logistical hurdles

  • Language barriers

  • Cultural differences

Embracing these challenges and adapting to new circumstances fosters resilience and broadens your perspective.

The Present Moment

Mini-retirements encourage a more mindful way of living.

Whether it's:

  • Savoring local cuisine

  • Spending time in nature

  • Taking long walks to explore your destination

The experience can deepen your appreciation for the present moment.

What do they say about true wealth?

True wealth is doing what you want, when you want, with who you want, wherever you want.

Spend a month (or more) in a dream destination doing the exact opposite of how you live your daily life.

That's what a mini-retirement offers.

A mini-retirement is about:

  • Embracing the unknown

  • Immersing yourself fully in a new experience

  • Allowing yourself the time and space to grow

It's an opportunity to step outside your comfort zone that can positively impact your life long after the mini-retirement ends.

I can preach mini-retirements until I'm blue in the face.

But until you actually decide to invest in and experience one, you may always wonder, "What if?"

We all have regrets.

Not experiencing a mini-retirement, i.e., spending a month (or more) in one of your dream destinations, should not be one of them.

Quote that caught my attention:

[I]t is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.”

—Sydney J. Harris

I'd rather regret doing something than not doing something.”

—James Hetfield

You can find the collection of financial tools & resources that helped me grow from a 6-figure debt to a 6-figure net worth by clicking here.

Thanks for reading!

Please feel free to reply to this email with suggestions, questions, or comments.

I read every email.

If you have a question about personal finance, travel, or mini-retirements, email me and ask and I’ll discuss the answer in a future article.

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