One of the Best Decisions You’ll Ever Make

Good morning and Happy Friday!

Welcome to another edition of The Matt Viera Newsletter.

The newsletter with the goal to inspire you to live the life you actually want to live.

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Zimbabwe, Africa, 1995

I don’t remember why, but I do remember walking out of the back of the accommodation I stayed in while I was in Zimbabwe.

When I arrived outside, I looked toward the horizon to see one of the most spectacular things I’ve ever witnessed.

The sun setting over the plains of Africa.

I have seen some spectacular sunsets in my life, but that one in Africa is seared into my memory.

You have not lived until you’ve witnessed a sunset in sub-Saharan Africa.

I can’t say what made it so spectacular; it was just a sunset.

Maybe it was the thought that went through my mind as I stood there and watched:

“Gosh…I’m watching a sunset in Africa.”

I was 23 then and can’t remember a sunset as spectacular as that one.

My time in Africa was entirely too short.

I will go back to Africa at some point in my life.

I can’t tell you exactly when, but I will.

I’ll let you in on a little secret though: at one point in my life, I seriously considered moving to Africa permanently.

I was in Africa because I served in the U.S. Army, and, in 1995, that’s where duty called.

While I was there for work, it was an assignment I thoroughly enjoyed, working with people I am privileged to call friends to this day.

I served 8 years in the U.S. Army, and for most of that time, I served somewhere abroad.

I am currently finishing my 12th year in my current career.

12 years.

The longest job I ever had.

The second longest job?

8 years in the U.S. Army.

It hit me the other day what the common denominator is between both jobs:


In the Army, I had no choice but to travel.

In my current career, I’m afforded plenty of time off and ample opportunities to travel.

In the Army, I traveled where I was told to go.

In my current career, I travel where I want to go.

The places I went while serving in the Army were places I never thought I would go.

For instance, within ~2 weeks of arriving at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, I went to work to pick up some mail during the day.

While there, I ran into my company commander (CO), who asked me if my gear was packed and ready to go.

I was like, “Are you kidding me, sir? Of course!”

My gear wasn’t packed.

What’s up?” I asked.

“Meet me here tonight at 9pm with your gear. We’ll meet up with the rest of the team and head over to Pope Air Force Base,” the CO replied.

I rushed home, packed my gear, and a few hours later, I was at Pope Air Force Base with the team about to board a plane.

~18 hours from the time I initially ran into my company commander, I was stepping off the plane onto a runway of the Port-au-Prince International Airport: Haiti.

I ended up staying in Haiti for 6 months (you can find out more about this trip if you google “Operation Uphold Democracy” —I was one of the first American troops on the ground).

Shortly after returning from Haiti, I was back on a plane heading to sub-Saharan Africa.

That was when I was in Zimbabwe.

One of my favorite trips of all time.

After Zimbabwe: Seoul, South Korea.

I shake my head thinking about that year in Seoul.

And I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that I started my tenure in the Army by spending 2 years in Germany.

8 years of paid vacation (that’s how I choose to think of my time in the Army).

Those were the days.

Until I decided I was ready to try something new (and ended up in Miami, Florida).

What’s the point of all this?

The point of all this, is to say that if I never enlisted in the Army, I don’t believe I ever would’ve developed the love for traveling I now possess, especially to places foreign and exotic.

I am confident in that.

However, I did enlist.

And I did develop a love for travel, especially to places foreign and exotic..

As a result: I can’t imagine the thought of a life without traveling to and spending time in places foreign and exotic.

And neither should you.

Forget Florida.

Forget the beach.

Forget Disney World.

Forget your parents’ house or your in-laws’ house.

Go and check your passport right now.

Make sure it’s not expired (if it is, know I’m shaking my head).

Then pick a place you’re curious about traveling to, buy airline tickets, and go.

Just go.

The more foreign the destination, the better.

It may just be one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.

Interesting reads:

Those who know me, know I love cross-country road trips. This is one I’ll have to try:

Thanks for reading!

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I read every email.

If you have a question about personal finance, email me and ask, I’ll discuss the answer in a future article.

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