3 Reasons Why You Should Take a “Mini-Retirement”

What the heck is a "mini-retirement"?

Image by Sathish Kumar Periyasamy

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In 2017, I was introduced to the concept of the mini-retirement while reading The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss.

The mini-retirement is what Ferriss calls an “alternative to binge travel.” It entails relocating to another place for 1 to 6 months. The more foreign the location, the better.

The goal of a mini-retirement is to slow down and “get lost intentionally.”

You want to travel and spend time in a place where meetings, emails, and phone calls do not exist.

I am fortunate to have plenty of paid time off in my current career. And I love to travel. I have taken 3 mini-retirements since 2018. Each time I spent at least a month traveling throughout Europe.

Here are 3 reasons why you should take a mini-retirement:

  • It allows you to unplug from your daily routines

  • It’s an opportunity to experience the world at a speed to let it change you

  • It is not an escape from your life, but an opportunity to reexamine your life

My last mini-retirement was in the summer of 2022 when I spent 5 weeks in Spain.

This experience shifted my entire mindset and forced me to examine how I want to spend the rest of my life.

The choices it forced me to consider: continue to trade my time for money or do what I can to retire as early as possible.

I encourage you to take a mini-retirement.

Pick a place you’ve been interested in traveling to and go.

If you can’t go for 6 months or even a month, go for as long as possible.

Find a place to stay for the entire time and let your days develop organically.

The first morning after you arrive, have an excellent breakfast, step outside, pick a direction, and walk.

See where the day takes you.

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